Outside looks at bike-sharing models in Denver and elsewhere

The city's B-Cycle system is a great value, the story concluded.


An analysis by People for Bikes, a leading organization that advocates for new and safe bike infrastructure, found that public investment in Salt Lake City's Greenbike and the B-Cycle Denver program, on a per-trip basis, was far less than traditional public transit like bus or rail in those same cities. Both Greenbike and B-Cycle Denver's public funding subsidies amount to 10 percent or less of total trip cost. By contrast, Salt Lake's bus and rail system, called UTA, relies on 80 percent public funding per trip. Denver's equivalent RTD network is tax-funded at more than 70 percent per trip. Not only are bike shares achieving statistically measurable improvements in traffic congestion and public health, they're doing so at negligible cost to taxpayers.

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Eric is a Denver-based tech writer and guidebook wiz. Contact him here.
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