Central Platte Valley

The Central Platte Valley neighborhood is like a chic suburb within a city if such a thing ever existed. Cut off from the craziness of the 16th Street Mall, Central Platte Valley boutiques and outdoor gear shops are a budget breaker for any Denverite with a hobby or sense of style. Commons Park and Confluence Park make it easy to hop onto the South Platter River Trail, which spans approximately 30 miles. The Denver Skate Park, the new Museum of Contemporary Art and new (but pricey) lofts attract people who want a natural buffer between their morning coffee and a day at the office.

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OneWall accepting artists' submissions

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Denver wants to know what's your favorite place

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What Smart Cities Can Learn from Denver

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Forum to explore sustainability

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The Crawford Hotel opens in Union Station

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Final retailer for Union Station announced

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Denver unveils cultural plan

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Union Station retailers announced

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Galvanizing Denver, Boulder and Beyond: Tech Hub Expanding

Buchanan to head city's planning department

Free Enterprise spotlights Denver Union Station

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What If? Streetcars a Possible Panacea for Colfax

CNN covers men's fashion in Denver

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